Man On Wire: A Slingshot Bicycle in the Wild!


The first time I landed eyes on a Slingshot, my initial reaction was, “OOF!” It is a complete non-sensical thing to behold…

According to the Museum of Mountain Bike Art and Technology (MOMBAT) page on the brand, Mark Groendal, founder and designer of the Slingshot, was riding his mini-motor bike when he noticed the ride suddenly became noticeably smoother. Upon inspection, Mark realized the bike frame had broken, leading him to conclude that flex as the suspension is beneficial to how a bicycle rides. 

Thus, the Slingshot! 

There is, of course, a lot more to this design than what meets the eye. Though we can all agree, the concept did not catch on. If you find yourself interested in learning a little more, check out MOMBAT’s webpage. 

Now on to this particular vintage performance hybrid. I asked owner Andrew to share a couple of words on his unique snack machine:

“What is there to say about this bike that can’t be gleaned from the photos? My good homie baby Dave rescued the frame from the scrap pile behind Back Alley Bikes here in Carrboro, NC. The rest was from parts bins and an abandoned recumbent trike.” 

“In a time where most bikes, regardless of genre, are marketed as ‘coming alive’ or inspiring confidence the harder you ride them, this bike does the opposite. When you throw a leg over the Slingshot it demands that you take it easy. It says, ‘friend, I’m warning you – please be cool, or I will destroy us both.’”

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